19 weeks and 5 days

Dear Mom,

I think of you every. single. day. I can not actually believe that you have been gone for 19 weeks and that your youngest grandson will never get a chance to know you and how loved he is by you. I constantly think back to that day in February. I was so excited because we had just booked our flight to Salt Lake City. It would be the first Pride family vacation since the pandemic started. I was ready to go when I got the call that something wasn’t right. That Tuesday quickly turned from Aaron will go check on you that weekend since he was already coming to town, to we’ll all go this weekend, to I need to leave immediately. I never ever would have thought that I would be saying goodbye to you six short weeks later. I still can’t believe it even know.

I hope that I made you proud. I’ll write more soon.

I love you.

Your daughter,
